*Please read the IMPORTANT INFORMATION carefully before adding to the cart.
Currently, our shop is only able to deliver products to Singapore. We regret to inform you that shipping to other countries and regions is not available at this time. We are working on expanding our shipping destinations in the future.
The amount paid at the time of purchase in this store does not include customs duties or other taxes. Customs duties may be incurred at the time of delivery.
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*Please read the IMPORTANT INFORMATION carefully before adding to the cart.
Currently, our shop is only able to deliver products to Singapore. We regret to inform you that shipping to other countries and regions is not available at this time. We are working on expanding our shipping destinations in the future.
The amount paid at the time of purchase in this store does not include customs duties or other taxes. Customs duties may be incurred at the time of delivery.
*Please read the IMPORTANT INFORMATION carefully before adding to the cart.
Currently, our shop is only able to deliver products to Singapore. We regret to inform you that shipping to other countries and regions is not available at this time. We are working on expanding our shipping destinations in the future.
The amount paid at the time of purchase in this store does not include customs duties or other taxes. Customs duties may be incurred at the time of delivery.
型押しレザーにインディゴ染めを施し、陰影の美しさを引き立てたローカットモデル。2025年シーズンテーマ「Circle」のもと、日本の美を提唱する「Japan Beauty」を表現した一足です。アッパーは日本古来から「青は藍より出でて藍より青し」と表現され、ジャパンブルーと称される「藍色」で表現し、インディゴ染め特有の味わい深いムラ感が魅力。サイド部分は大柄の型押しで立体感をもたらし、インパクトあるデザインに。ブラックのラインテープとシューレースが全体の印象を引き締め、洗練された佇まいに。伝統と現代が融合したラグジュアリーなデザインが足元を演出します。
Currently, our shop is only able to deliver products to Singapore. We regret to inform you that shipping to other countries and regions is not available at this time. We are working on expanding our shipping destinations in the future.
The amount paid at the time of purchase in this store does not include customs duties or other taxes. Customs duties may be incurred at the time of delivery.
Exchange and Return Policy
Please note that exchanges are not accepted for international orders. If you would like an exchange, please return your order and place a new order for the item(s) you want.
Please refer to this page for information regarding returns.
Exchange and Return Policy
Please note that exchanges are not accepted for international orders. If you would like an exchange, please return your order and place a new order for the item(s) you want.
Please refer to this page for information regarding returns.
Secure Payment
About payment
- credit card
- apple pay
- google pay
Available credit cards
- Mastercard
- American Express
Secure Payment
About payment
- credit card
- apple pay
- google pay
Available credit cards
- Mastercard
- American Express
Tariffs and Consumption Taxes
Customs duties and other taxes are set by the customs authorities of the country or region where the goods were purchased and are based on the country of manufacture of the goods. The amount of customs duty is determined by the classification of the goods. The amount paid at the time of purchase in this store does not include customs duties or other taxes. Customs duties may be incurred at the time of delivery. Please contact the relevant tax authorities in your country for more information.
Tariffs and Consumption Taxes
Customs duties and other taxes are set by the customs authorities of the country or region where the goods were purchased and are based on the country of manufacture of the goods. The amount of customs duty is determined by the classification of the goods. The amount paid at the time of purchase in this store does not include customs duties or other taxes. Customs duties may be incurred at the time of delivery. Please contact the relevant tax authorities in your country for more information.